onsdag 3. februar 2010

Short version of a bad day

The orginal meeting yesterday, was moved and we have had the worst meeting i have ever attended today. At the moment i still do not know how to put it all into words...
But the fact is that the doctores have given up on Mishelle. There is nothing else that can be done to save our princess they say. The brutality of it all is that Mishelle will be leaving us anytime between a couple of weeks and a couple of months. The doctores could not be more spesific then that.. At the moment my head feels like a ton of bricks and every fibre in my body hurts. HOW can this be happening? I am NOT ready to say goodbye to my little angel!! After having fought this thing inside her for 5 months - it is NOT fair !!
i will try and write more later, but right now my head needs to rest a while..

A destroyed father