tirsdag 10. april 2012

Easter holiday is over

Wow, seems like i am getting more and more lazy with the updates on our blog.. ;o( 
so a little overdue, but here is a short summary of resent events..;

The easter holidays we spent at home together with Storm, Zulema and Ståle. But the big easter dinner took place at my mother and fathers house, where my brother and his family also came to eat turkey dinner.
Otherwise the last month has been spent buying a new car ( although second hand.. ), a Mitsubishi Lancer 4wd. Our old Opel Astra was becoming to expensive for repairs, so we changed it with another old car that hopefully will do the job for the next 2/3 years  ;o)  hehe.
Melissa is enjoying her karate lessons 2 times a week and she is learned fast...  So don't pick a fight with her ;o)))

Visiting Mishelle


In Drøbak

Easter eggs..
April is also the worst month of the year for us, the 28'th to be more specific. It will be 2 years without my Snoopie.. And even though the days of the year go by - that particular date will always be difficult. First "celebrate" her 5'th birthday and then 2 days later remember her passing. I hope everyone that visits this blog will be kind enough to send Mishelle a special thought on the 28'th!  NO child should ever have to endure the pains of cancer!