torsdag 15. mai 2008

2 days...

Hi everyone,

Guess what... It is just 2 days until Melissa and i start our 22 hour long journey to Peru!! We will arrive in Lima at 06:30 AM sunday and have booked room at a hotel close to our family :o) Melissa is looking froward to her first time flying, but more than anything she is trilled to go and visit her aunts/uncle/nephew/grand parents!!

I have not been to Peru for an awful long time - but now i will finally get to meet Christopher - Melissa's 3 year old nephew. I can hardly wait...:o)

SO folks for the nextt 2 weeks i'll be enjoying the peruvian hospitality, and bring a lot more photos with me when i come back. ( for now u'll just have to settle with a photo of our hotel )

Take care