torsdag 3. november 2011

Melissa's little brother has arrived


Storm with his aunt

Storm with his big sister and aunt

A proud big sister

Friday 28'th Zulema and Ståle could celebrate the arrival of little Storm.  Melissa has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of her little brother, and as you can see from the photos  - it was love at first sight. And  i am sure that somerwhere Mishelle is also taking part in excitement.  While Zulema and Ståle was at the hospital, Pelusa spent a couple of days her with us - but i think she knew something had happened, because she kept trying to look for her father.     Melissa has spent the entire week home from school, as she has been suffering from Mycoplasma ( giving her a really bad cough, nausea and headaches ), but hoepfully the antibiotics she is taking will help her get through quickly.