onsdag 31. mars 2010

Happy easter everyone

Wow.. Just looked at the date for my last entry.. It's been more then a week since the last time i updated our blog. Sorry about that ( to my defence - i've been extremely tired...)
Mishelle has become more and more tired from her tumor. She is now spending 23,5 hours of the day in bed...!! Sleeping or awake with us at her side. She has, as i'm sure you can see in the photos lost a lot of weight this last month. She is using morphine plaster as well as her morphine suppositories when the pain gets to be to much. Our latest wory is her breathing,which could be because the tumor is growing next to her respiration center OR because of the increased dose of morphine she is recieving.

The 2 angels in the photos is Mina and Nina from the local hospital in Fredrikstad. Thank you girls and thank you to everyone at B1. Hope you enjoy the photo Cd i made for you :o)