-after 4 days on the road. We have taken Melissa & Mishelle to Cuzco, Pisac, Ollantaytambo AND Machu picchu. Melissa loved it and has walked alot around the different sites. But i think her favourites were; taking a bath in the hotsprings of Aguas caliente and the 4 hours spent in Macchu Picchu. I am about to hit the sack after a loooong day ( wich reminds me = NEVER fly with Taca airlines if you don't have to!!! ), but here are a few pictures from our adventure. And if you ever get the chance - visit Macchu Picchu!! It still takes my breath away - it realy is one of the 7 wonders of the world. Tomorrow we'll throw a peruvian style childrens party for Melissa. She has missed her little sister a lot this last week, so i think this is "just what the doctor orderd" ;o)