Today's been a busy day... first off - Mishelle did not fall asleep untill 3AM last night... Then today the priest in who will perform the funeral came to visit us. We wanted her to get to know Mishelle a little bit and to let Melissa get to know her a little bit as well. When "that" day arrives i think it will somewhat easier on Melissa if she knows the people involved.
When the priest left, Melissa's psychologist came to visit her. Since this has been a very difficult weekend in terms of Mishelle getting MUCH worse, we found it easier if the psychologist could come to us.
Ps: The woman in the photo with M&M's is Marit Bekken, the priest i talked about. She has performed the wedding ceremony for Zulema and i, and the baptism for both our girls. She is a wonderful human being and we asked her in specific to perform the funeral for Mishelle.