of our National day is over and Melissa has eaten ice-cream accordance with the tradition! ;o) I hope everyone has enjoyed their celebration, wherever you are in the world.
Melissa, Mishelle og Vidar sine tanker om verden. Melissa Mishelle and Vidar's thoughts about the world
tirsdag 17. mai 2011
The celebration
of our National day is over and Melissa has eaten ice-cream accordance with the tradition! ;o) I hope everyone has enjoyed their celebration, wherever you are in the world.
mandag 16. mai 2011
Norways Constitution Day
lørdag 14. mai 2011
Celebrating my bday
onsdag 11. mai 2011
Thanks to everyone
onsdag 4. mai 2011
Fossum bru
søndag 1. mai 2011
the Weekend in Photos
Since spring is here, we went to Son and had our first outdoor icecream on saturday. There we also met with Zulema and Ståle, and they bought Melissa some skates which she loved. Today Margaret and i took Melissa to my old school, where Melissa could try her new skates in "safe" environment ;o) hehehe Margaret also tried her skates for the first time... but i have to be honest; Melissa has the best technique skating hehehe
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